Tailor filters by category, size, color, price, or attribute to fit your product range.
Tailor filters by category, size, color, price, or attribute to fit your product range.
Filters update in real-time, showing exactly what shoppers want in seconds.
Combine with predictive search for a powerful sales-boosting duo.
Simplify product discovery with smart filters and merchandising for effortless browsing.
Elevate shopping with predictive search and smooth web performance for more conversions.
Enable quick, easy navigation with advanced filters and optimized crawling for perfect matches.
Boost sign-ups with intelligent search and seamless navigation for fast solutions.
“Our merchandising is now spot-on. Customers love the personalized recommendations, and we’re seeing more repeat buyers than ever!”
“ConversionBox’s predictive search has made a huge difference. Customers find what they need quickly, and we’ve seen a significant uptick in order sizes.”
“Speed Optimization turned things around for us! Now our products are easier to find, and sales are rising.”